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Genetics and Epigenetics

Until the 1950s, scientists believed that genetic information was fixed at the time of fertilization and impervious to outside influences. However, the emerging discipline of epigenetics caused a revolution in the world of biology and led to a major U-turn in our understanding of how bodies work and fight illness. Epigenetics is one of the most promising areas for oncology, because it allows us to explore how dietary choices can influence and improve gene health.

Genetics is the study of heredity. We inherit approximately twenty-five thousand genes (made of DNA) from our parents. They are molecules, arranged in two strands that form the famous double helix. The strands are connected using four different nucleotide bases, which pair like rungs of an extremely long ladder.

Different sequences of nucleotide base pairs create different proteins, which have different structures that result in different functions. Genes thus direct the way our body functions by providing instructions for how to create different proteins, including hormones (e.g. insulin), enzymes, antibodies and other elements of the immune system.
The presence of a gene does not necessarily mean that a certain “recipe” will be made, as genes can be turned “on” or “off.” The key insight of epigenetics is that the turning on and off can happen due to environmental factors, including diet and nutrition.

Genetic mutations happen when nucleotide bases are broken, deleted or mutated. There are two kinds of mutations, called germline and somatic. Germline mutations are what people are born with, whereas somatic mutations happen during our lifetime, and only happen to certain cells. Factors can include radiation, metabolism, chemicals, and exercise.

Our body has a surveillance system that is able to repair damaged portions of DNA, which is important for oncology as almost all tumors involve genetic DNA repair defects. This is when nutrition therapy components, phytonutrients that have been identified come in to help with the repair of our DNA.

Gene mutations actually happen all the time, and there is a specific gene, p53, whose job is to help with DNA repair. So, for example, mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 (breast or ovarian cancer) increase the risk of cancer, but that alone does not cause cancer to appear. In mutations that lead to cancer, gene p53 is missing. Research shows that supplementation of selenium can make a significant difference in repairing damage to the nucleotide bases of BRCA genes.
Another interesting mutation that can occur is a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), a kind of genetic hiccup. It can substantially affect how a person goes through chemotherapy, as well as how well they receive and absorb Vitamin D. This vitamin comes from food, sun, and supplements, and serves many important functions in the body. A deficiency, caused by poor diet, lifestyle choices, and SNPs, can bring about devastating effects on health.

Epigenetics means “on top of genetics,” and thanks to it, DNA does not always mean destiny. The mutations that happen to our DNA due to environmental stress can be repaired by a methylation process.

Methylation is tied to nutrition and occurs when chemical structures called “methyl donors'' activate or silence gene expression. Problems with methylation are tied to many disorders, including cancer. Because methyl donors are taken in with nutrients, diet can play an important role in maintaining health and supporting recovery.
One of the most important essential nutrients is folate (Vitamin B9), which plays a key role in the methylation of DNA. Other nutrients that assist with repairing DNA are Vitamin B12, betaine and choline. They come from food sources such as organ meats, meats, fish, spinach, beets, seafood, poultry, and eggs.

We can therefore make choices about our lifestyle, including diet and exercise, that affect gene expression - and by supporting the methylation process with careful nutritional choices, we can help our bodies prevent and fight illness.