The “Food and Mood Journal” is a tool that allows us to collect important information not tracked by the Cronometer. It asks clients to describe their meals and activities, as well as how they react to each one. This is crucial because, for example, the same nutrient can be found in multiple foods, some of which can be found to cause bloating in the client, while others do not. The “Food and Mood Journal” can also help adjust lifestyle habits or sequences of activities. The activities in themselves can be beneficial, but not in the order or manner in which the client engages in them.
The process of filling out the journal is also an excellent way to raise one’s awareness of dietary and lifestyle habits. It allows clients to get to know themselves better and become more in tune with their bodies. This in itself can have a powerful supportive effect on various healing processes.
The “Journal” forms can be downloaded from our website (see link below). Ideally, the client uses the journal for seven days prior to our initial consultation, but because of the effort required, most are only able to do so for three days. This is generally sufficient, since we use multiple diagnostic tools to make sure we don’t miss anything in our assessment. Any number of days beyond three will improve the quality and depth of your analysis.
[Download Food and Mood Journal Form]